Blue Mountain Christian University
201 W. Main St. Blue Mountain, MS, 38610, PO Box 160
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Blue Mountain, Miss. - Blue Mountain Christian University proudly announces the President's and Dean's Lists for the Fall 2024 Semester.
Placement on the President's List is bestowed on undergraduate students who exhibit a commitment to academic excellence. These full-time students earned a perfect grade point average (GPA) of 4.0. Placement on the Dean's List is reserved for full-time students earning a grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.6 for the semester.
President’s List
Rachel Alderman
Savannah Allred
Amanda Baker
Ashlyn Balash
Neely Barrier
Max Bates
Shante Beaulieu
Jeremiah Bell
Nathan Bennett
John Berry
Timothy Berry
Bethany Brown
Jacob Bryant
Josue Bustamante
Jesus Calvo Millan
Isabella Carlson
Gracie Cavin
Jory Collins
Loren Cross
Jennifer Cubillo
Jalen Davenport
Olivia Dean
Olivia Decanter
Hannah Dowdy
Kathryn Echols
Tony Edwards
Annelise Fish
Skylar Flake
Sydney Flake
Carly Frazier
Madison Garrett
Marissa Gerleman
Crystin Guy
Rae Hall
Autumn Harting
Isaac Harting
Bethany Hitt
Johnathon Hitt
Samuel Hopper
Annalyn Housley
Viviann Housley
Caroline Howard
Caleb Hughes
Julianna Ingram
Elijah Janes
Lillie Johnson
Martha Jones
Jackson Kelly
Madison Kirk
Sha'Merial Lacey
Jenna Landers
Skylar Lee
Kadon Lindsey
Jeslyn Logan
Maryn Macri
Sarah Martindale
Will Massengill
Parker May
Julia McCoy
Aleigha McDonald
Isaac McMinn
Katie Meeks
Lauren Milford
Lori Mims
Mallory Mitchell
Emma Montgomery
Bridgett Moses
Lindsey Murr
Carver O'Neal
Kaelyn Pettigo
William Porter
Robert Powell
Josiah Putnam
Jayden Rader-Butler
Madison Robinson
Bailey Rodgers
Petrone Rudolph
Kaytie Rutland
Leo Schon
Savannah Scruggs
Brandy Simmons
Lily-Ann Smith
Mya Spight
Anna Stanford
Isabella Stephens
Timothy Thurmond
Joseph Treadaway
Kaylee Turner
Alexis Tutor
Matteus Valone
Abigail Vaughn
Ashley Villanueva
Jacy Weaver
Benjamin Webb
Caleb White
Madelyn Whitfield
Brianna Wilder
Abigail Williams
Alexandria Yeats
Dean’s List
Clayton Adams
Logan Akins
Tanner Allen
Cosette Alsbrook
Hayden Arant
Andrew Ayala
Trenton Baggett
Madison Boatwright
Lelan Boulden
Adam Burge
Alexandria Burnham
Jenna Cale
Kelsey Camp
Shelby Childress
Matias Cisterna Aravena
Jackson Cook
Neely Cooper
Rachel Corbin
Daisy Cordle
Rebecca Crawford
Giana Curasi
Morgan Dabbs
Nathaniel Davis
David DeVaughn
Victoria Durost
Evi Edwards
Braxton Enzor
Lexie Faulkner
Leela Fernando
Erick Flores
Kohlton Ford
Zion Foster
Matthew Fowler
Caitlyn Fox
Katie Frederick
Cameron Gordon
Brandon Hall
Jacob Hamblin
Jack Herring
Jacob Hinton
Brooklyn Hodum
Bailey Holt
Terry Hooper
Mabry Jackson
Olivia Joles
Elizabeth Jones
Abigail Keller
Peyton Kidd
Acen Lambert
Abby Laney
Emma Laney
Yu-Chien Lin
Robin Lindsey
Elijah Logan
Ashton Lovelace
Brisanda Luna Lopez
Kimberly Madison
Jackie Medley
Dustin Miller
Brenden Mitchell
Jared Mooneyhan
Matheus Okuma Magalhaes Muniz
Adrianna Parsons
Roderick Patrick
A'Dasia Porter
Olivia Reynolds
Cobey Riddle
Lucia Rodriguez Garcia
Kayla Shaull
Andrew Shaw
Chloe Shelton
Ashtyn Smith
Samantha Smith
Victoria Smith
Kinsley Sprouse
Ameilya Stewart
Jacqueline Story
Jamien Terry
Melody Thornhill
Zavier Vanderson
Latricia Vernon
Rebecca Walter
Jasmine Watts
William West
Alivia White
Samantha Whitwell
Tabitha Wilkerson
Hannah Wilson
Ethan Wood
Jadyn Yarbro
Sophie Young
Blue Mountain Christian University
P.O. Box 160
Blue Mountain, MS 38610